Testing Virtual Field

Hey all,

What is the best practice when testing user’s password? My user schema has a :password_digest field and :password virtual field. I am having problem making the test pass because password field is empty.

On sign up, user enters their password. In user changeset, the password is hashed (with bcrypt), and then that hash is saved under password_digest.

  schema "users" do
    field :email, :string
    field :password_digest, :string
    field :username, :string


    field :password, :string, virtual: true

In the test, I have (from generator, modified a bit):

@valid_attrs %{email: "some email", password: "some password", username: "some username"}


def user_fixture(attrs \\ %{}) do
  {:ok, user} =
    |> Enum.into(@valid_attrs)
    |> Accounts.create_user()



test "get_user!/1 returns the user with given id" do
  user = user_fixture()
  assert Accounts.get_user!(user.id) == user

The test above fails because password on left is nil, while on the right side it still has the password. I am not saving password in database.

  1) test users get_user!/1 returns the user with given id...
     Assertion with == failed
     code:  assert Accounts.get_user!(user.id()) == user
     left: ... email: "some email", id: 56, inserted_at: ~N[2018-11-22 16:30:48], password_digest: "$2b$04$qjv2Log0RIcFoMdrLEbGGeMzBr3JQ9epDNgjSkxSB3cQO5ZBuzKPS", updated_at: ~N[2018-11-22 16:30:48], username: "some username", password: nil}
     right: ... email: "some email", id: 56, inserted_at: ~N[2018-11-22 16:30:48], password_digest: "$2b$04$qjv2Log0RIcFoMdrLEbGGeMzBr3JQ9epDNgjSkxSB3cQO5ZBuzKPS", updated_at: ~N[2018-11-22 16:30:48], username: "some username", password: "some password_digest"}

user_fixture saves the password, but Accounts.get_user does not. Btw, get user is taken from generator: def get_user!(id), do: Repo.get!(User, id).


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You can try testing the changeset function. Or write a helper that would populate user’s password manually before assert.

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Imho the problem lies in the fact that you’re trying to compare ==/2 the source data to the data coming out of the db:

Thanks for the input all!
I modified it to

test "get_user!/1 returns the user with given id" do
  assert {:ok, user} = Accounts.create_user(@valid_attrs)
  assert user.email == "some email"
  assert user.username == "some username"
  assert user.password == "some password"

You are right, I am comparing source data w/ data coming out of (testing) db. I can’t expect them to equal the same.