How to demux MP4 using membrane framework?

I’m playing around with membrane, trying to stream an MP4(h264/aac) file through HLS to my phone, I think the first thing is to demux the file into video and audio streams. The code look like this

  use Membrane.Pipeline

  def handle_init(path_to_file) do
    children = %{
      source_file: %Membrane.File.Source{location: path_to_file},
      demuxer: Membrane.MPEG.TS.Demuxer,
      video_parser: %Membrane.H264.FFmpeg.Parser{framerate: {24, 1}},
      video_decoder: Membrane.H264.FFmpeg.Decoder,
      audio_decoder: Membrane.AAC.FDK.Decoder,
      audio_converter: %FFmpeg.SWResample.Converter{
        output_caps: %Membrane.Caps.Audio.Raw{channels: 2, format: :s16le, sample_rate: 48_000}
      sink: %Membrane.File.Sink{location: "video_output"},
      portaudio: PortAudio.Sink

    links = [
      link(:source_file) |> to(:demuxer),
      link(:demuxer) |> via_out(Pad.ref(:output, 256)) |> to(:video_parser),
      link(:demuxer) |> via_out(Pad.ref(:output, 257)) |> to(:audio_decoder),
      link(:video_parser) |> to(:video_decoder),
      link(:video_decoder) |> to(:sink),
      link(:audio_decoder) |> to(:audio_converter),
      link(:audio_converter) |> to(:portaudio)

    spec = %ParentSpec{
      children: children,
      links: links

    {{:ok, spec: spec}, %{}}

However, when I run it, there’s no sound, and also video_output is zero bytes.

21:01:41.415 [debug] [pipeline@<0.295.0>] Changing playback state from stopped to prepared
21:01:41.441 [debug] [pipeline@<0.295.0>] Playback state changed from stopped to prepared
21:01:41.441 [debug] [pipeline@<0.295.0>] Changing playback state from prepared to playing

21:01:41.441 [debug] [:video_decoder] Evaluating playback buffer

21:01:41.441 [debug] [:source_file] Evaluating playback buffer

21:01:41.441 [debug] [:video_parser] Evaluating playback buffer

21:01:41.441 [debug] [:audio_converter] Evaluating playback buffer

21:01:41.441 [debug] [:audio_decoder] Evaluating playback buffer
21:01:41.441 [debug] [:sink] Evaluating playback buffer

21:01:41.441 [debug] [:demuxer] Evaluating playback buffer
21:01:41.488 [debug] [:portaudio] Evaluating playback buffer
21:01:41.488 [debug] [pipeline@<0.295.0>] Playback state changed from prepared to playing
21:01:41.499 [debug] [:video_parser] Ignoring event %Membrane.Core.Events.EndOfStream{}
21:01:41.499 [debug] [:audio_decoder] Ignoring event %Membrane.Core.Events.EndOfStream{}

I need a bit help here, am I doing this correctly?


Hi @hlcfan, you’re right, the first step would be to demux the MP4, but you’re using Membrane.MPEG.TS.Demuxer, that is able to demux MPEG-TS stream, not MP4. We don’t have MP4 demuxer in Membrane yet, though it’s in the roadmap.


Thanks @mat-hek for the quick reply. Looking forward to the MP4 demuxer!

After converting the file to TS format, it works, thanks!

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@mat-hek Do you have an example of how to stream a TS file through HLS? I can’t seem to find one.

I don’t, but once you have H264 and AAC, you should be able to put them into HLS like in this demo


Hey, I’m doing something similar to you, did you ever complete this project?
If so are you able to share the code with me/us?

I’ve completed the pipeline with the help of @DominikWolek

First take your MP4 file and demux it to acc Audio and H264 Video.
I use ffmpeg command for this, (there might be a ffmpeg elixir wrapper out there to do it safer than this, I feel like calling System.cmd isn’t a nice thing)
For the file name I just take the basename of the original Mp4.

basename = Path.basename(mp4_path, ".mp4")
System.cmd("ffmpeg", ["-i", mp4_path, "-an", "-vcodec", "libx264", 
"videos/demuxed/#{basename}_video.h264", "-vn",
"-acodec", "aac", "videos/demuxed/#{basename}_audio.aac"])

This should split your mp4 into two files, one .aac and it’s corresponding video file .h264
Then in your handle_init function you can create your SkinBin like so:

    sink_bin = %Membrane.HTTPAdaptiveStream.SinkBin{
      muxer_segment_duration: 2 |> Membrane.Time.seconds(),
      manifest_module: Membrane.HTTPAdaptiveStream.HLS,
      target_window_duration: :infinity,
      target_segment_duration: 2 |> Membrane.Time.seconds(),
      persist?: false,
      storage: %Membrane.HTTPAdaptiveStream.Storages.FileStorage{
      	directory: @output_dir

output_dir is the path you wish to save your HLS files to for streaming them.
Once you have your sink you need to create your source and filters, a lot of this next bit of code can be found here inside the Sink Bin Integration Test on membrane_http_adaptive_stream_plugin’s github.

     children =
      	|> Enum.flat_map(fn {source, encoding, track_name} ->
      	  parser =
      	    case encoding do
      	      :H264 ->
      	          framerate: {25, 1},
      	          alignment: :au,
      	          attach_nalus?: true,
      	          skip_until_parameters?: false

      	      :AAC ->
      	          out_encapsulation: :none

      	    {{:source, track_name},%Membrane.File.Source{
      			 location: source,
      	    {{:parser, track_name}, parser}
      	|> then(&[{:sink_bin, sink_bin} | &1])

     links =
      	|> {_source, encoding, track_name} ->
      	  link({:source, track_name})
      	  |> to({:parser, track_name})
      	  |> via_in(Pad.ref(:input, track_name),
      	    options: [encoding: encoding, track_name: track_name]
      	  |> to(:sink_bin)

     {{:ok, spec: %ParentSpec{children: children, links: links}, playback: :playing}, %{}}

@audio_video_tracks_sources is our sources in this format:

@audio_video_tracks_sources [
  	 :AAC, :audio},
  	 :H264, :video}

But it can be whatever you want as long as it’s in the tuple {path, codec, type}

Once you’ve got all that you can startup your program with
iex -S mix
then start the init
{:ok, pid} = Module.start_link

And your program will generate the HLS files to the @output_dir that you specified.
You can test to see if they’re correct by serving them from a simple python server like so:
python3 -m http.server 8000
And playing it with ffplay
ffplay http://localhost:8000/FILENAME
with FILENAME being output_dir/index.m3u8

Feel free to ask any questions or if I’ve left something out!


Updated to include -profile:v baseline

System.cmd("ffmpeg", ["-i", mp4_path, "-an", "-profile:v", "baseline", "-vcodec", "libx264", 
"videos/demuxed/#{basename}_video.h264", "-vn",
"-acodec", "aac", "videos/demuxed/#{basename}_audio.aac"])
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