Assign_async misbehaving with multiple live_views

We are developing a phoenix application where we have a dashbaord with multiple widgets.
Each widdget is a liveview and they are rendered at runtime in the main liveview page:

<%= live_render(
session: %{
) %>

In some of these widgets we have assign_async to lazy load data.
If we have only 1 widget in the dashbaord everything is working perfectly.
If we had more thatn 1 widget with assign_asyncs inside, it can happens that on one of the widgets the asyng variable is not updated correctly, we always have the loading state set to true.
Putting IO.inspect to tdebug the async_task is working properly and returns without errors, it looks like it is the liveview variables that don’t get updated.


It’s hard to help without seeing the code from the parent and child LiveViews, but I have a question: is there any good reason to use LiveViews for implementing the widgets instead of a LiveComponent?

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Hello Gustavo

The main reason for implementing widgets with a LiveView instead of the LiveComponent, was ( at least to my knowledge ) that is much easire handling PubSub messages, without having a central broker in the main LiveView that dispatches to the LiveComponents…
Since these is an IoT dashboard with a lot of live updates we though this approach would simplify the overall dispatching.

Having said this here is the code of an example widget ( broken down to the essential part ), whith also the trick to make everything work

@impl true
def mount(_params, session, socket) do


 |> assign(:ui_data_backup, %{ok?: false, loading: true, result: nil})
 |> assign(:ui_data, AsyncResult.loading())
 |> start_async(:load_ui_data, fn -> select_action_for_map_async(data_instance, user.timezone, widget, tenant_id) end)


def render(assigns) do

    <div :if={@ui_data_backup.loading} class="h-full">

             <div class="flex justify-center items-center w-full h-full">
                <div class="text-center">
                  <h1 class="text-4xl font-bold text-black">
                    <%= gettext("Loading Data") %>

      <div :if={ui_data = @ui_data_backup.ok? && @ui_data_backup.result} class="h-full">
      	Loaded Data

def handle_async(:load_ui_data, {:ok, fetched_data}, socket) do
%{ui_data: ui_data} = socket.assigns
data = AsyncResult.ok(ui_data, fetched_data)

result = data.result

socket =
  if Map.has_key?(result, :event_action) do

      case result.event_action do
        "set_position" ->
          |> push_event("set_position", result.single_position)

        "loadMapCluster" ->
          |> push_event("loadMapCluster", result.map_data)

        _ ->

# hack timer to reset assign
Process.send_after(self(), :update_timer, 250)
{:noreply, assign(socket, :ui_data, data)}


def handle_async(:load_ui_data, {:exit, reason}, socket) do
%{ui_data: ui_data} = socket.assigns
{:noreply, assign(socket, :ui_data, AsyncResult.failed(ui_data, {:exit, reason}))}

def handle_info(:update_timer, socket) do

data = socket.assigns.ui_data
result = data.result

socket =
  if Map.has_key?( result, :event_action) do

      case result.event_action do
        "set_position" ->
          |> push_event("set_position", result.single_position)

        "loadMapCluster" ->
          |> push_event("loadMapCluster", result.map_data)

        _ ->


# Update the variable when the timer completes
  |> assign(ui_data_backup: data)


the async function is working correctly but even if the async variable is assigned the liveview doesn’t (always) update.
With the hack we made, setting a timer to reload another variable, which behaves exactly the same, works 100% of the time…

With one widget ( one additional liveview ) the issue of not updating happens rarely, but if we have more widgets ( more liveviews ) in the same page the problem gets more and more frequent.
With the hack shown above all widgets/liveview update consistently.

It looks like you’re running into some race conditions with your LiveView updates. I think the issue is that push_state is happening before the ui_state is ready. Try splitting the logic for updating the socket and calling push_event into two separate functions. For example:

def handle_async(:load_ui_data, {:ok, fetched_data}, socket) do
  %{ui_data: ui_data} = socket.assigns
  ui_data = AsyncResult.ok(ui_data, fetched_data)
  socket = assign(socket, :ui_data, ui_data)

  send(self(), :update_timer)

  {:noreply, socket}

I get why you’re nesting LiveViews, but if it were up to me, I’d go with a LiveView + LiveComponent setup and a central broker. By consolidating state updates in a single place, you can more effectively manage transitions and reduce the chance of race conditions. Furthermore, using fewer LiveViews and more LiveComponents with a central broker reduces the number of processes the application needs to open, which lowers resource consumption and ensures better scalability as the application grows.

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