Learning Erlang after Elixir

I’m planning to learn Erlang. I’ve seen forum answers that Erlang and Elixir are quite the same. After learning Elixir, in what part of Erlang should I start learning given that I learned Elixir. And if I should avoid some parts of Erlang that are already in Elixir to avoid redundancy. (if there are)

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The erlang :string module is now UTF-8 aware. Generally speaking the erlang syntax is simpler with very few “special cases” and basically only one way of writing things.


Ah, so there’s an outdated piece of that tutorial

In Elixir, the word string means a UTF-8 binary and there is a String module that works on such data. Elixir also expects your source files to be UTF-8 encoded. On the other hand, string in Erlang refers to char lists and there is a :string module, that’s not UTF-8 aware and works mostly with char lists.

We should remove “that’s not UTF-8 aware”?

Edit: I took the liberty of creating a PR Update crash-course.markdown by gvaughn · Pull Request #1185 · elixir-lang/elixir-lang.github.com · GitHub


I’ve done the same, bought this book that is also available online https://learnyousomeerlang.com/content it’s a nice deep dive into the Erlang language as well as OTP, it’s not that up to date though but the basics don’t change that often :slight_smile:

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Yes. It now also works on binary strings as well list strings and and on combinations of both. It also knows about grapheme clusters though I haven’t tested this. Someone had a lot of fun. :wink: The old latin-1 interface is still there but will be deprecated in the future.


Not gone through this yet but adding it here:


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