We are using MJML to template our emails within a Phoenix application. This has worked very well until now, when we started upgrading from Phoenix 1.6 to 1.7. Suddenly, the HEEX parser started caring a lot more about the contents of our mjml-heex, and specifically the tag.
This tag lets us define css elements analogously to the tag in regular HTML, which means that the HEEX parser will complain about the syntax. Digging a bit, I can see that the tokenizer has special handling for tags, but I can find no way of telling it to parse tags in the same way.
We’ve tried falling back to using the old ~L sigil for the section containing , but that is only a stopgap solution, as that sigil is deprecated.
Are there any other sigils that could be used? Or some other way to tell the parser not to care so much about certain segments?