[woumedia] | Backend Developer | Full-time | Remote

We are woumedia.
A digital products studio.
We design and develop web and mobile apps for startups and established companies.

We work remotely, and we are looking for a new team member to join one of our projects fully written in Elixir - Contractbook

About us
Our Culture

We work remotely and as async as we can. We understand, though, that in crucial cases, there is nothing better than a video call to get everybody on the same page quickly.

We value the benefits that come from flexible working hours and environments. You are therefore free to choose where and when you work.

We’re rational about the technologies we use. We pick the most popular and up-to-date, but also those with large and helpful communities.

We simplify our work processes as much as we can, i.e. we don’t have daily stand-ups. We believe notifications from the tools in the project’s Slack channel give all team members the status needed.

We choose the tools we use according to the needs of each task. We avoid over-complication.

We have as flat organization structure as possible. You self-organize your work and you’re responsible for it.

We share our knowledge, we discuss what we learn, we attend conferences, meetups and even give speeches on some of them.

Perfect candidate:

  • fancies using Elixir or Ruby when building backend APIs
  • follows RESTful conventions
  • is eager to leave MVC aside
  • understand the self-discipline when working remotely
  • feels comfortable with client collaboration
  • is proactive when it comes to new ideas and cooperation
  • believes that tests are extremely important
  • writes robust tests and knows testing frameworks
  • knows programming patterns and different architectures
  • wants to learn unconventional programming techniques
  • cares about clean code
  • knows programming patterns and different architectures
  • works smoothly with GIT
  • can configure deployment pipeline
  • likes programming meet-ups and conferences

Technologies and patterns we use:

  • Elixir, Ruby
  • Distillery, Puma, Heroku
  • CentOS, Ubuntu, upstart, systemd
  • Phoenix, Ruby on Rails, JVM
  • ExUnit, RSpec
  • Capistrano, Mina, CircleCI, Ansible
  • CQRS, Hexagonal Architecture, DDD

We offer a salary starting from 12€ / h, gross (upper limit correlates with your skill-set)
Salary we offer
12 EUR (intern) - 35 EUR (senior)

We’d love to see your LinkedIn profile and a Github account, but a CV is also cool!


Now that the salary details have been updated I’ve removed the posts related to it - will remove this post later too :023: