Ignore top line in Elixir tests

I am currently writing tests for my views and my coverage is being hindered due to the top two lines not being covered.

I’m assuming its probably because those lines don’t get executed during the run because they’re pre-compiled, but I’m not sure how to actually get around that.
If anyone knows how I can get around it please let me know?

I have tried to exclude or include only certain things but due to the heading not being a test that isn’t a solution.

Can you show us code?

Can you please show us the test that you have written so far?

This is the test I have written:
and the lines of defmodule and the use ConnCase are not being covered.

So here is the test I have done and the test is covering correctly and it passing but you the heading is not being covered - If its possible I would like to either exclude that line so we can reach a higher coverage or how do I allow that to be covered as it seems those lines don’t get executed during the run because they’re pre-compiled.

Do you know how to go around this?

defmodule Web.Api.V1.NLUViewTest do
use Web.ConnCase, async: true
use Web, :view

test “renders sentiment” do
response = “response”
assert Web.Api.V1.NLUView.render(“sentiment.json”, %{:response => response}) == response


This is the test I have written:
and the lines of defmodule and the use ConnCase are not being covered.

So here is the test I have done and the test is covering correctly and it passing but you the heading is not being covered - If its possible I would like to either exclude that line so we can reach a higher coverage or how do I allow that to be covered as it seems those lines don’t get executed during the run because they’re pre-compiled.

Do you know how to go around this?

defmodule Web.Api.V1.NLUViewTest do
use Web.ConnCase, async: true
use Web, :view

test “renders sentiment” do
response = “response”
assert Web.Api.V1.NLUView.render(“sentiment.json”, %{:response => response}) == response


This is the test I have written:
and the lines of defmodule and the use ConnCase are not being covered.

So here is the test I have done and the test is covering correctly and it passing but you the heading is not being covered - If its possible I would like to either exclude that line so we can reach a higher coverage or how do I allow that to be covered as it seems those lines don’t get executed during the run because they’re pre-compiled.

Do you know how to go around this?

defmodule Web.Api.V1.NLUViewTest do
use Web.ConnCase, async: true
use Web, :view

test “renders sentiment” do
response = “response”
assert Web.Api.V1.NLUView.render(“sentiment.json”, %{:response => response}) == response


OK, no need to repeat the same reply several times. :slight_smile:

Also please format code with ``` at the start and the end (on new lines), so it’s more readable.

If you are seeking higher code coverage you should show us the code that you are testing, not the tests themselves I think.

You can also screenshot your test coverage results and post them here?

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Sorry about that I am new to the forum so didn’t realise it would show like this.
My apologies - I also sadly can’t upload screenshots as I am a new user.

defmodule Web.Api.V1.NLUView do
use Web, :view

def render("sentiment.json", %{:response => response}) do

This is the code I am writing the test for and this is the code I have written:

defmodule FeersumWeb.Api.V1.NLUViewTest do
use FeersumWeb.ConnCase, async: true
use FeersumWeb, :view

test "renders sentiment" do
response = "response"
assert Web.Api.V1.NLUView.render("sentiment.json", %{:response => response}) == response


The ’ renders sentiments covers the test correctly with no failures but the top two line of
defmodule FeersumWeb.Api.V1.NLUView do
use FeersumWeb, :view

I can’t seem to get coverage for

Thank you for your help

Just to make sure: are you using excoveralls?

No, I am not using excoveralls.

I have used the dependency before and it shows that I have 100% coverage as the lines that aren’t covered are not relevant - is there no way I can use the normal mix test --cover and exclude the top lines?