Awesome Elixir from Libhunt

Here is the Awesome Elixir from Libhunt, a list of Erlang and Elixir Packages and resources.


I always check if I’m looking for something. As a quick example this site doesn’t show Scrape for parsing RSS feeds, whereas a search in that repo would.

The site seems a bit crowded to me, but I’m sure I’ll be using it in the future when it’s even better curated.


It’s there in http section. Looks like the website is new, so it may take time for the search and categories to improve.

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Yeah, I agree that it will probably improve to a level where it’ll be the most obvious place to look first. Discoverability is everything, though, and when you’re outdone by a github repo it’s not yet good enough.

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If we (the community) help them, this website can improve to become something as usable as The Ruby Toolbox, which isn’t there anymore, but it was one of the greatest resources for Ruby/Rails developers.

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Is there a field in the website through which we can suggest categories like @gon782 needed to search a category named “RSS” inside which he’ll find packages like Scrape and others.

Anyone from Libhunt here? This website of course have the potential to become as usable as The Ruby Toolbox.

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Its back again (reopened yesterday):


The Ruby ToolBox’s old design was great! It’s very simple now.