Neural network task in Livebook, doesn't show many options on my Mac M1

Hey guys,

I got some free time, to try out the bumble bee package via LiveBook, alas I don’t see many options as shown in video by José Valim.

Don’t make me buy a windows or graphics cards. :sweat_smile:

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There’s something weird there. Where’s the Smart cell form?


How did you start livebook? :slight_smile:

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Hey guys while I was trying to record the steps, I restarted the browser, and the LiveBook instance.

And now I see the form:

Although when I tried switching tasks from the drop down, the UI didn’t change.

So I restarted again and clicked on text to image model, which started downloading 3 gb data, which I won’t be running now as it’s the middle of the night and I’m about to retire to bed.

Will try tomorrow with a fresh mind.

Good Night everyone.

It works, yay.

But it takes super long.

I checked Activity Monitor, and GPU time showed 0. So no GPU was harmed in the making of this photo. :sweat_smile:

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