Gradualizer fails when assigning struct to variable and returning that

I’m checking on how to make my Elixir code more refactorable and for that reason testing Gradualizer with @OvermindDL1’s gradualixir package.

Suppose I have the following module type “Stuff”:

@type t() :: %Types.Stuff{foo: String.t()}

And the following function with a signature:

  @spec check_gradualizer() :: Types.Stuff.t()
  def check_gradualizer() do
      foo: 1

Gradualizer will report, correctly, that I tried to make foo a number, while it is actually a String.t.

But if I simply assign the struct creation to a variable and return that:

  @spec check_gradualizer() :: Types.Stuff.t()
  def check_gradualizer() do
    entry = %TimeclockParser.Types.Stuff{
      foo: 1


I get no reports whatsoever. Is this expected? A usage error? Or simply a bug? :slight_smile:


Interestingly, Dialyzer finds this particular issue, but also breaks down when the assignment is deeper nested (e. g. in a case statement)

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