I have this action, which is not working the way I expected.
create :build do
accept [:identity_id]
change set_attribute(:token, Helpers.rand_token())
change set_attribute(:inserted_at, DateTime.utc_now())
and inserted_at
get a fixed value from when the code was evaluated, if I’m not mistaken. But I want to, of course, generate a new value every time the action runs.
I figured out I could accomplish it this way:
create :build do
accept \[:identity\_id]
change fn changeset, \_ ->
|> Ash.Changeset.change\_attribute(:token, Helpers.rand\_token())
|> Ash.Changeset.change\_attribute(:inserted\_at, DateTime.utc\_now())
It feels a bit clunky. Is there a more straightforward way? I tried to pass a thunk instead of the value directly to set_attribute
, but it doesn’t seem to work.
Or are there other ways to do this in a more idiomatic way? To generate values when a resource is created, I mean.
Since both of the functions are zero-arity, you can do this
create :build do
accept [:identity_id]
change set_attribute(:token, &Helpers.rand_token/0)
change set_attribute(:inserted_at, &DateTime.utc_now/0)
If you provide a zero-arity function, it will be called, and the value will be set. Otherwise, you must do the anonymous function route or create a change module.
Also, for :inserted_at
, you can do create_timestamp :inserted_at
in the attributes section instead of a manual change. Attributes — ash v3.4.57
Nice! Thanks!
I was bitten by my lack of Elixir skills.
I tried change set_attribute(:token, Helpers.rand_token)
and change set_attribute(:token, fn -> Helpers.rand_token() end)
. Neither worked.
Now I need to learn why I must capture the function, and why Helpers.rand_token
or even Helpers.rand_token/0
differs from &Helpers.rand_token/0
. I suppose it’s because of the different scopes for variables and functions.
I’m surprised the set_attribute(:token, fn -> Helpers.rand_token() end)
didn’t work. I’ll ask on the discord and let you know.
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