Top Stats of 2018

2018's Top Users

Most Time Reading

User Hours Read
@kokolegorille 448
@peerreynders 443
@OvermindDL1 412
@Gazler 393
@amnu3387 262
@NobbZ 245
@dokuzbir 211
@l00ker 205
@dimitarvp 198

Most Topics

User Topics
@axelson 109
@shahryarjb 64
@script 61
@acrolink 47
@benonymus 44
@wlminimal 41
@Fl4m3Ph03n1x 41
@pillaiindu 40
@mmport80 39

Most Replies

User Replies
@OvermindDL1 2.18k
@NobbZ 1.53k
@peerreynders 1.21k
@idi527 1.18k
@kokolegorille 718
@dimitarvp 653
@josevalim 572
@benwilson512 421
@LostKobrakai 410

Most Replied to

User Replies
@OvermindDL1 1.38k
@NobbZ 1k
@idi527 789
@peerreynders 746
@josevalim 542
@dimitarvp 440
@kokolegorille 402
@benwilson512 289
@Qqwy 269

Most Likes Given

User Likes
@OvermindDL1 6.1k
@axelson 4.72k
@dimitarvp 4.56k
@kelvinst 1.81k
@Qqwy 844
@Zesky665 843
@ShalokShalom 590
@kokolegorille 581
@sneako 496

Most Likes Received

User Likes
@OvermindDL1 2.83k
@josevalim 2.76k
@peerreynders 2.61k
@NobbZ 1.9k
@michalmuskala 1.1k
@idi527 1.07k
@kokolegorille 936
@Qqwy 898
@dimitarvp 858

Most Visits

User Days Visited
@amnu3387 365
@kokolegorille 365
@LostKobrakai 364
@ibarch 364
@NobbZ 364
@paulsullivanjr 364
@elixirnewbie 364
@Silentagony 363
@brightball 362

All Yearly Visits

Daily Visits

Days Visited Users
365 3
364 5
363 1
362 3
361 3
360 1
359 2
358 2
357 2
356 1

Top Elixir News Threads

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Proposal: moving towards discoverable config files 227
Discussion: Incorporating Erlang/OTP 21 map guards in Elixir 87
Call for proposals: time zone support in Elixir 47
Proposal: Introduce help catalogs 47
PSA: Do not use private APIs, request a feature instead 33

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Elixir v1.6.0 released 73
Proposal: moving towards discoverable config files 72
Elixir v1.7.0 released 61
Call for proposals: time zone support in Elixir 60
Elixir v1.7.0-rc.0 released 55

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Proposal: moving towards discoverable config files 100
Discussion: Incorporating Erlang/OTP 21 map guards in Elixir 58
Proposal: Introduce help catalogs 48
Proposal: strftime-based calendar/datetime formatting 34
Elixir v1.7.0-rc.0 released 32

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Proposal: moving towards discoverable config files 58
Elixir v1.6.0 released 57
Call for proposals: time zone support in Elixir 51
Elixir v1.7.0 released 51
Elixir v1.7.0-rc.0 released 48

Top Elixir Chat Threads

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
I failed my tech challenge today for a job interview. I don't think I was given a fair chance 116
Where is Elixir and the Actor Model heading? 79
The complexity of Haskell vs. Elixir's simplicity 59
When would you NOT use Elixir? 54
Can we beat Kafka if we build it in Elixir? 49

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Distillery 2.0 has been released 47
Elixir Outlaws - New Elixir Podcast 33
Elixir flashcards - New packs available 26
Erlang powers the internet 24
Erlang/OTP 21.0 released 21

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
What Elixir related stuff are you doing? 86
Hello Elixir World (Introductions thread) 76
Elixir Outlaws - New Elixir Podcast 68
Elixir Static App Binaries 56
Erlang/Elixir native Etcd, Zookeeper alternative 55

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Distillery 2.0 has been released 44
Elixir Outlaws - New Elixir Podcast 37
Erlang/OTP 21.0 released 30
Ecto 3 Info (RC is now out) 29
Erlang 21.2 erts-10.2 released 29

Top Elixir Discussions Threads

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Should we adopt Dave's way of building applications as a series of components? (Dave's talk has now been added!) 261
Elixir for Programmers course - should we adopt Dave Thomas' way of organizing GenServers? 80
You may not need GenServers and supervision trees 64
Rethinking app env 53
A Database-less App Framework? 36

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
GSoC project: dialyzer story for the Elixir ecosystem 26
You may not need GenServers and supervision trees 22
Elixir for Programmers course - should we adopt Dave Thomas' way of organizing GenServers? 13
Rethinking app env 12
Should we adopt Dave's way of building applications as a series of components? (Dave's talk has now been added!) 10

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Should we adopt Dave's way of building applications as a series of components? (Dave's talk has now been added!) 108
Elixir and BPM (business process management) 71
Rethinking app env 49
The state of Riak Core, Lasp and distributed programming in BEAM 49
Hardware considerations for development 42

Most Popular

User Topic Score
You may not need GenServers and supervision trees 32
Elixir for Programmers course - should we adopt Dave Thomas' way of organizing GenServers? 28
Should we adopt Dave's way of building applications as a series of components? (Dave's talk has now been added!) 27
Rethinking app env 26
Tooling fragmentation and separation of Elixir from rest of BEAM family 23

Top Elixir Questions & Help Threads

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Learning Elixir, frst impressions ( plz don't kill me ! ) 108
How to make Dialyzer more strict? 51
Difficult debugging problem 50
Is Elixir / Phoenix ready for production? 49
Hiring Elixir programmers vs looking for a job as an Elixir programmer? 40

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Elixir | Google Cloud Platform 31
Edeliver plans to remove exrm support. Any objections? 11
Using LetsEncrypt with Phoenix (behind Nginx). How to make this more optimal? 10
Handling nested associations with cast_assoc 10

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Difficult debugging problem 82
Learning Elixir, frst impressions ( plz don't kill me ! ) 62
Cast_assoc is null? 50
Would somebody please explain the said lines in this test? 44
How to make Dialyzer more strict? 42

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Elixir | Google Cloud Platform 35
Emacs lsp-mode (language server) + elixir-ls anyone? 23
How much overlap is there between Docker and Elixir (BEAM VM)? 23
Smart way to do 1+1? 23
Learning Elixir, frst impressions ( plz don't kill me ! ) 22

Top Phoenix News Threads

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Phoenix 1.4.0 released! 186

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Phoenix 1.4.0 released! 158

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Phoenix 1.4.0 released! 113

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Phoenix 1.4.0 released! 102

Top Phoenix Chat & Discussions Threads

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Let's discuss Phoenix LiveView 169
7.5 second average page load speed for 200 visitors hitting a Phoenix driven website - on a $5/month Digital Ocean Droplet 74
Drab and Liveview community oddities 73
Phoenix LiveView Info 70
Programming Phoenix ≥ 1.4 - release date? (Update: beta out now!) 63

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Phoenix LiveView Info 20
The hard 3 day lesson I learned trying to use http2 with Phoenix, Cowboy and Nginx 15
300k requests per second webserver in elixir! OTP21.2 - 10 cores 11

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Let's discuss Phoenix LiveView 107
Programming Phoenix ≥ 1.4 - release date? (Update: beta out now!) 63
7.5 second average page load speed for 200 visitors hitting a Phoenix driven website - on a $5/month Digital Ocean Droplet 50
Phoenix LiveView Info 49
Drab and Liveview community oddities 38

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Phoenix LiveView Info 32
Programming Phoenix ≥ 1.4 - release date? (Update: beta out now!) 27
Drab and Liveview community oddities 24
Let's discuss Phoenix LiveView 23
7.5 second average page load speed for 200 visitors hitting a Phoenix driven website - on a $5/month Digital Ocean Droplet 22

Top Phoenix Questions & Help Threads

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Phoenix 1.4, Webpack 4 and Bulma, Bootstrap 4 SASS 38
Understanding Elixir/Phoenix performance 35
Should I go with TDD, when the deadline is tight? 35
How to keep Ecto out of web layer 30
Domain-oriented web folder structure 27

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
To translate into Japanese 10

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Access a key from changest 45
My app crashes at the start 41
How to setup a Phoenix 1.3 app with Gulp/ npm scripts 38
Must I use Phoenix framework? 36
How do I download files uploaded with Exfile? 35

Most Popular

User Topic Score
To translate into Japanese 23
Phoenix 1.4, Webpack 4 and Bulma, Bootstrap 4 SASS 21
How to keep Ecto out of web layer 21
Auth framework: need advice based on a list of prerequisites 21
Understanding Elixir/Phoenix performance 20

Top Nerves News Threads

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Nerves v1.3.0 and Elixir 1.7/Distillery 2.0 support 24
Nerves system updates and provisioning devices 19

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Nerves v1.3.0 and Elixir 1.7/Distillery 2.0 support 20
Nerves system updates and provisioning devices 18

Top Chat & Discussions Threads

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
What would you like to create with Nerves? 18
Prototype to Production Nerves Screencasts 11
GRiSP: Anyone played with one? 6

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Prototype to Production Nerves Screencasts 35
Nerves v1.0 Released 22
Time warps and Nerves 13
Playing back a video with no sound on Raspberry Pi 11

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
What would you like to create with Nerves? 40
Prototype to Production Nerves Screencasts 26
GRiSP: Anyone played with one? 14

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Prototype to Production Nerves Screencasts 37
Nerves v1.0 Released 20
What would you like to create with Nerves? 20
GRiSP: Anyone played with one? 19
Time warps and Nerves 14

Top Questions & Help Threads

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Minimizing OTP release size 10
How to build a photobooth with Elixir+Nerves? 10
What is the smallest device you can run Nerves on? 7
Can I use PostgreSQL with Nerves? 6
Scenic with Nerves Rpi3 with HDMI output: Possible? 5

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Scenic with Nerves Rpi3 with HDMI output: Possible? 18
What is the smallest device you can run Nerves on? 15
Scenic with Nerves on RPi3 - screen compatibility 14
Can add logging to my input handlers but where can I see the output from the logging? 13
How to build a photobooth with Elixir+Nerves? 13

Most Popular

User Topic Score
How to build a photobooth with Elixir+Nerves? 21
Minimizing OTP release size 20
Best way to pull new firmware OTA into remote devices 19
Scenic with Nerves on RPi3 - screen compatibility 18
What is the smallest device you can run Nerves on? 18

Top Libraries Threads

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
NimbleParsec - a simple and fast parser combinator for Elixir 109
PhoenixUndeadView - let's discuss optimization possibilities for something like Phoenix LiveView 80
Ecto 3.0 is out and stable API 44
Pow: Robust, modular, extendable user authentication and management system 38
Mandarin + Forage - An admin tool for phoenix 25

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Ecto 3.0 is out and stable API 92
NimbleParsec - a simple and fast parser combinator for Elixir 47
Matrex - A blazing fast matrix library for Elixir/Erlang with C implementation using CBLAS (Machine Learning) 41
Pow: Robust, modular, extendable user authentication and management system 38
Announcing hex_core 37

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Drab: remote controlled frontend framework for Phoenix 189
PhoenixUndeadView - let's discuss optimization possibilities for something like Phoenix LiveView 142
NimbleParsec - a simple and fast parser combinator for Elixir 134
MLElixir - attempting an ML-traditional syntax entirely within the Elixir AST 45
Raxx - Interface for HTTP webservers, frameworks and clients 39

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Ecto 3.0 is out and stable API 67
NimbleParsec - a simple and fast parser combinator for Elixir 43
Matrex - A blazing fast matrix library for Elixir/Erlang with C implementation using CBLAS (Machine Learning) 41
Pow: Robust, modular, extendable user authentication and management system 40
Tensorflex: Tensorflow bindings for Elixir 36

Top General Programming Chat Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Apple launches new MacBook Air and Mac Mini (and iPad Pro!) 53
The future of the web - what does it look like to you? 51
Why There is no FP Language Fast As C++ 45
Microsoft is acquiring GitHub 39
If you could do it all again... would you do anything different? 35

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Thoughtbot's learning platform, Upcase, is now free 16
The village of programmers 14
Erlang created working 6 hrs/day 10

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
What keyboard do you use? 84
Apple launches new MacBook Air and Mac Mini (and iPad Pro!) 79
Microsoft is acquiring GitHub 73
Best Linux laptop for developers? 62
If you could do it all again... would you do anything different? 51

Most Popular

User Topic Score
The village of programmers 27
New guy on team - wants to replace progressively enhanced pages with jQuery plugins only - am I being unreasonable? 23
The future of the web - what does it look like to you? 22
Favorite programming chair? 22
Distributed Databases - options/thoughts on storing data in a distributed manner? 21